Digital Technologies to Support The Literacy Process 19LS728

Please Note: This PDST summer course is free of charge. However, a €10.00 Centre administration charge will apply. All Centre Administration charges are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

Digital Technologies to Support the Literacy Process

There are so many resources online for teaching reading, oral language and writing! The problem is where to find the best high quality and most effective resources to help you and your pupils engage with the Literacy Process. The answer is right here!

Throughout the week, you’ll explore digital tools and resources specifically focused on increasing your pupils’ competence and confidence in oral language, reading and writing. You’ll interact with tools and activities that you can bring straight back to your classroom to meaningfully enhance teaching, learning and assessment. We’ll also examine ways to support pupils with SEN in every module of the course.

Other key areas of course content to be discussed and explored during the week also include digital citizenship and internet safety, finding and selecting good quality digital content online and exploring the newly constructed Digital Learning Framework and how a school may go about creating their digital learning plan in this regard.

Course Properties

Course date 19-08-2019 9:30 am
Course End Date 23-08-2019 2:00 pm
Cut off date 16-08-2019 9:00 am
Individual Price €10.00
Number Hours 20
Location Laois Education Support Centre

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