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The Student Support Plan for students with Additional Needs (P/PP Teachers) 4.11.24

This webinar suitable for primary and post-primary teachers will walk through the student support plan explaining and discussing the various features and examining how to make the plan as useful as possible when planning for and teaching students with Additional Needs.

The following webinars in this series will follow, each to be booked individually:

- Setting SMART Targets in the Student Support Plan (Primary & PP) 11.11.24

- Using Evidence Based Interventions to Teach Students with SEN (Primary) 2.12.24

- Reviewing the Student Support Plan to Evaluate Progress (Primary & PP) 13.1.25

Facilitator:      Annette Ormond, Grad Dip. SEN, M.Ed ASN

Course Properties

Course date 04-11-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 04-11-2024 8:30 pm
Cut off date 04-11-2024 4:30 pm
Individual Price Free
Location ZOOM online

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