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The Sensory Inclusive Classroom: Sensory Processing, Movement Breaks and Transitions in the Primary Classroom 3.3.25

This webinar looks to provide primary teachers and SNAs with ideas, skills and strategies to help develop and promote a more sensory inclusive classroom.
Sensory processing difficulties can impact children in a multitude of ways. This webinar aims to provide teachers and SNAs with a greater understanding of sensory processing and integration as well as how factors, including environments and interactions, can both support and restrict educational involvement.

This webinar will also address skills and strategies to help children self-regulate during less structured periods in the school day. 

Areas to be covered include:

  • Sensory processing and integration
  • Sensory Seeking and Avoiding
  • Reviewing environmental factors
  • Brain and Movement breaks
  • Ideas for transitions in the classroom
  • Sensory calming strategies


  • Participants will have a greater understanding of the foundational aspects of sensory processing and sensory integration
  • Participants will have a greater understanding of the impact of the environment for children with sensory processing difficulties
  • Participants will have gained knowledge of a number of practical and achievable brain breaks and transition strategies.

Facilitator:  Stephen Hodnett, Occupational Therapist and Primary School Teacher

Course Properties

Course date 03-03-2025 5:30 pm
Course End Date 03-03-2025 6:30 pm
Cut off date 03-03-2025 4:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Speaker Stephen Hodnett, Occupational Therapist and Primary School Teacher
Number Hours 1
Location ZOOM online

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