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Communicating Through Sensory Play in the Primary Classroom for Teachers and SNAs 13.1.25

Verbal communication is often considered the most importance form of communication in the classroom. However, for many children, other forms of communication are more suited to their current abilities and learning styles.

This webinar looks to provide teachers and SNAs with ideas, skills and strategies to help children engage and communicate through sensory play. During the webinar we will review how a number of areas of the curriculum can be made more inclusive through the use of sensory play.

Areas to be covered include:

  • Reflecting on communication
  • Understanding of our senses and sensory processing.
  • Reviewing how children can engage with the primary school curriculum through sensory play
  • Strategies and ideas for sensory engagement


  • Participants will have a greater understanding of the foundational aspects of sensory processing and integration
  • Participants will develop strategies and tools to help children develop communication and expression through sensory activities
  • Participants will have gained knowledge of a number of practical and achievable strategies to help children engage with the primary school curriculum through sensory activities.                                                                                                                    Facilitator:     Stephen Hodnett, Occupational Therapist and Primary School Teacher

Course Properties

Course date 13-01-2025 5:30 pm
Course End Date 13-01-2025 6:30 pm
Cut off date 13-01-2025 3:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Speaker Stephen Hodnett, Occupational Therapist and Primary School Teacher
Number Hours 1
Location ZOOM online

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